Scholarships (Local and Private)

South Lake Elementary Scholarship Elmwood/Avalon/Koepsell.  Deadline:  April 26, 2024.  Pick up Application form in Counseling Office or click link above.
1 for 2 Education Foundation Scholarship (2021).  Deadline:  2/15/2021.  Up to 10 recipients.  Up to $25,000 each.
Adcraft Scholarship Fund - Diversity in the D Scholarship.  Deadline:  April 30, 2021.  Click on link and scroll down to middle of page.  Award:  College Junior Year:  $5,000 plus mentorship.  College Senior year:  $5,000 plus mentorship.  Ten week paid internship to be completed during junior or senior year.
AFSCME Scholarship (Local 2457)- $500.  Deadline:  April 24, 2023.  Please see counselor for application or click on link above.
AES Engineers - $500.00.  Deadline:  October 8, 2021.  Please visit for more information.
All Star College Scholarship.  Deadline:  May 14, 2021.  Award:  $10,000 annually.  Open to incoming freshmen who were adopted at the age of 13 and are younger than 20.  Applicants must demonstrate financial need.
Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarships.  Deadline:  June 30, 2021.  Award: Varies.  Open to incoming freshmen and undergraduate students that have financial need and have demonstrated interest in pursuing an automotive career.
Bloomfield Hills Financial.  Stock Market Trading game.  Top 3 at end of game win up to $5,000.
Bridging the Dream Scholarship. $10,000. Deadline: May 17, 2024.  Apply at:
Cameron Impact Scholarship.  Deadline:  Early applications up to May 21, 2021. Final submissions:  September 10, 2021.   Award:  up to $50,000.  Open to high school student sin the graduating class of 2022 that are planning to enroll full-time in a college or university in the U.S.  Applicants must demonstrate academic excellence (3.7 GPA), excel in a variety of extra-curricular activities, demonstration participation in community service areas, and be motivated leaders. 
Cimarron Ridge Legal Group Scholarship.  Must be entering law field.  $1,000 one time award. Must be attending a 4yr college/university or 2yr community college in fall of 2021. Incomplete or late applications NOT accepted.   Deadline:  April 30, 2021.
(CLASS OF 2025)  Coca-Cola:  Deadline: September 30, 2024.
CommunityChoice Foundation (15) graduating high school scholarships at $5,000 each; (6) continuing education scholarships at $2,500 each; and (4) skilled trade scholarships at $2,500 each.  Deadline to apply:  March 7, 2024.  Visit:
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan.  Various scholarships.  The registration deadline is February 12, 2025 at 5:00pm. Deadline for applications:  March 3, 2025 at 5:00pm.
Courageous Persuaders. Various scholarships: $500-$2000.  Create a 30-second commercial to warn middle school students about the dangers of drinking and driving or the dangers of distracted driving.  Grades 9-12.  Deadline to submit:  March 10, 2023.  (Winners announced in May 2023)
David’s Faith & Hope for Life Foundation Scholarship.$2500. Renewable for 3 years. Deadline:  April 30, 2024.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Macomb Alumnae Chapter: Deadline: February 2, 2025. Seniors who are part of an underrepresented racial group or persons of color and also reside in, or attend school within the areas of:  Clinton Twp, Eastpointe, Harrison Twp, Macomb, Macomb Twp, Mt. Clemens, Roseville, Shelby Twp, St. Clair Shores, Sterling Heights, Warren and Washington Twp. 2.5 GPA or above. Accepted full-time at community college, university, trade or vocational school for Fall 2025.
The Donovan Xavier Baker Scholarship: $2500. Deadline: April 30, 2024. Essay. Senior African-American males. Must be attending 2yr/4yr college or university or vocational/technical school.
Don Frederick Memorial Scholarship - download application above or come to counseling office for same - Deadline:  April 26, 2024.
Don't Text and Drive Scholarship - September 30, 2021 (1 Award - $1,000)
Goodfellows St. Clair Shores Scholarship 2024.  2 $1500 scholarships for SLHS students. Due April 26, 2024 to counseling office. Must be resident of St. Clair Shores, 2.5+ GPA, Senior attending college/university/trade school in fall.  Download application above or visit the counseling office for a copy.
East Macomb Chapter of the Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel Scholarship: (4) scholarships for $750 each. 
Deadline:  March 31, 2024.  Applications available in the counseling office.
Elks National Foundation-Most Valuable Student Contest: Deadline-November 12, 2024.  Awards 500 scholarships from $1000-$7,500 yearly.  Family association with Elks is not needed.  Apply at:
FreeStar Financial Credit Union Scholarships. $1000 each.  Must be member of Credit Union and GPA 3.0.  Deadline: February 28, 2021    Applications
Foot Locker Scholar Athletes 20/21.  Deadline:  January 8, 2021  Up to 20 recipients.  Awards up to $25,000.
Hagen Scholarship Foundation. $15,000 per year.  Deadline: March 1, 2024.  GPA: 3.5.  Must be US citizen, must enroll at 4 year college/university, must work in college. Need-based merit scholarship.
Homer J. Van Hollenbeck Foundation- $3000. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher, student must attend a Macomb County high school, and demonstrate hardship/financial need.  Applicants must also begin college full-time in the fall of 2024. Deadline: May 31, 2024. Please come to Counseling Office for application.
Horatio Alger Association Scholarship Program.  Up to $25,000 for Juniors.  Eligible for students attending college in Fall 2026.  Deadline: March 1, 2025.
Hutt Scholarship-$2000. Typed essay (750-1500 words). Deadline: Jan. 31st, 2023. Link to application:
James Bush Memorial Scholarship 2025. $1,000.   2.0+ GPA, participated in at least one SLHS sport.  Essay (600-800 words) regarding motorcycle awareness.  Deadline: April 11, 2025 at 3:00pm to your counselor.  Application available in counseling office as well as above, at top of page.
John Galt Scholarship.  Deadline:  June 30, 2021.  Award:  $10,000.  Open to current students at accredited institutions for the current academic year that are enrolled full-time in a supply management or similar program with the intention of seeking a career in the supply chain field.
Josie Rewald Memorial Community College Scholarship - Female student or other underrepresented gender pursuing an engineering or technology degree at a university or college.  Deadline:  April 14, 2021
Kiwanis Club of Shorewood Scholarship.  Must have cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.  Deadline:  April 24, 2024.  Come to Counseling Office for application OR visit link.
Italian American Club of Livonia Charitable Foundation Scholarship (Class of 2024). Based on Italian Ancestry, Academics, Financial Need and Character.  Deadline: October 31, 2023.  Application available in the counseling office.
Lake Trust Credit Union.  AVAILABLE JANUARY 11, 2021 - Deadline:  February 29, 2021.
Macomb Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Deadline: March 1, 2024
McCormick Murphy Law Firm.  $500  Deadline:  April 30, 2021. 
Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals (massp) (3) separate scholarships available at $2,500.00 each.  Scholarship may ONLY be used towards tuition and room/board costs.  Payment made directly to the student's account at the education institution they choose to attend in August.   See counselor for application and details.  Deadline:  March 16, 2020
Michigan Schools & Government Credit Union:  $2500 Scholarships    Deadline:  February 27, 2024 at 10:00pm. Apply at:
MEA (Michigan Education Association Scholarship): Value is TBD (but last year was $1500)  Deadline:  Must be received by February 17, 2022. Applicants are no longer required to mail their documents.  Instead, they will need to send application documents in PDF format by email at [email protected].  Please click link for more eligibility requirements and the application:
-Dependent of MEA Member or MEA-Retired member in good standing
-Graduate of Michigan public high school or private high school that has an MEA bargaining union.
2024 Metro Bureau Scholarship Award. $1,500 (or $2000 if going into education). Students intending to enroll at:  Oakland Community College, Oakland University, Wayne County Community College, or Wayne State University.
Deadline: March 13, 2024.
Metro Detroit Youth Day College Scholarships 2023 & Community Service Awards. $250-1000.  Deadline:   May 26, 2023. GPA 2.0+  
Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) $3,500. Student or parent must be employed at a business that is a member of MRA. Apply online:   Application deadline April 1, 2024.
Michigan Youth Appreciation Foundation Metro Detroit Youth Day.  Deadline:  March 16, 2020.  See counselor for details.
Mike Rowe Scholarship for students planning to enroll in a vocational or trade related program. $ varies.  Deadline: May 1, 2021.
National Council of Negro Women-Macomb Section: Annual Education Awards Scholarships. Deadline: April 30, 2023. Essay. GPA 3.0 and above.
Navigate Your Future Scholarship.  Deadline:  June 25, 2021.  Award:  $2,500.  Open to seniors in high school that are planning to have a career in an aviation related program at a college or university. 
NDIA Stem Scholarship 2022.  Deadline:  March 25, 2022.  Award:  up to $1500.  Open to seniors planning a STEM major.  3.0 minimum GPA.
NDIA Stem Scholarship 2022.  Deadline:  March 18, 2022.  Award:  up to $1500.  Open to female seniors planning a STEM major.  3.0 minimum GPA
No Sweat Scholarship 2024. Deadline: September 30, 2024. Award: $2500. Open to 8th-12th. Apply at:
"NOBLE" The Detroit Region IV, Metropolitan Chapter of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives 2020 Scholarship.  Cumulative GPA 2.75-3.4.  Deadline:  March 27, 2020.  See counselor for details.
Ohio-Michigan Association of Career Colleges and Schools (OMACCS) 2025 LEADS! Scholarship Program: $500-8,000. Deadline: April 18, 2025.  Application
ONNFSA Scholarship.  Deadline:  June 25, 2021.  Award:  Varies.  Open to students of students of Native-American blood that are confirmed members of the Navajo people.
PB&J Scholarship Fund - scholarship focused on helping students whose test scores or GPAs might not be the best but have the drive to succeed.  Amount $500-$1,000.  Deadline:  May 31, 2021.
2020 Ponton Law Scholarship - Deadline:  July 31, 2020 Amount:  $1,000.
Print and Graphic Scholarship.  Deadline:  May 1, 2021.  Open to current full time high school seniors and high school graduates.  Applicants must be pursuing a career in graphic communication, technology, or management at a technical school or college located within the U.S.  Win up to $5,000.
R&D Systems Scholarship.  Deadline:  June 16, 2021.  Award:  $1,500.  Open to students pursuing a degree in science related field.  Applicants must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment to a college or university with a declared major in a science related field.
Rosa Parks Scholarship Foundation - $2,000. High school senior, GPA 2.5 or above.  Essay required.  Deadline March 1, 2022.  Direct link to application: Website:
Robert Edward Lang Scholarship-$1000.  Seniors pursuing a degree related to International Studies. Must have 2.5+ GPA and reside in Macomb, Oakland or Wayne County.  Deadline:  Not listed
REALTOR Scholarship Fund: $1250.  Deadline: March 14, 2025.  Application
Robert A. Leonard Jr. Charitable Trust Scholarship.  $2500-$10,000.  2.8 GPA or higher, 40hrs Community Service, Essay.  Contact Kevin Binion with questions at 313-492-8046
Deadline: March 1, 2025  Application
SET SEG Skilled Trade Scholarship. $500. The SET SEG Foundation is awarding 20 scholarships to Michigan public high school seniors who are enrolled or plan to enroll in an accredited two-year college, technical school, or other accredited technical institute within the next 12 months. Click here for more information!
Society of Women Engineers-Detroit - 2024 Scholarship. Female student or other underrepresented gender pursuing an engineering or technology degree at a university or college. Deadline: May 3, 2024.
St. Clair Shores Community Chorus.  Wednesday, April 21, 2021 6:30 p.m. Scholarship Auditions Night at Triumphant Cross Lutheran Church, 22360 13 Mile Road, SCS (corner of 13 Mile and Greater Mack).  Scholarship applications:
St. Clair Shores Waterfront Environmental Committee 23/24 Scholarship. $500.  Applicant (class of 2024) must be involved in at least one of the committee's projects. Deadline: Monday, Jan 8th, 2024 (waiting for confirmation) by 4:00pm at the SCS's City Clerk's Office or mailed to: Waterfront Environmental Committee Scholarship
27600 Jefferson Circle Drive St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48081.  Please come to the Counseling Office for application OR visit
Stephen J. Brady STOP Hunger and a VARIETY of Scholarships- $5000. Commitment to volunteer service in your community.  Applications at
Stephen Bufton Memorial Education Fund Scholarships.  Deadline:  May 15, 2021.  Award:  up to $10,000.  Open to women meeting the requirements of various scholarships.
Sterling Heights Area Community Foundation.  Multiple scholarships, some of which are open to Macomb County residents, or to anyone, and some are specific to Sterling Heights residents:
Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest.  Deadline:  June 9, 2021.  Award:  up to $10,000.  Open to residents of the U.S. that are at least 14 years of age.  Applicants must create and wear to prom either a dress or a tuxedo made entirely out of Duck brand crafting tape and submit at least one photo of themselves wearing their creation.
Tallo's $10,000 Scholarship for High School Seniors - Deadline:  March 27, 2021:
The American Legion-various scholarships. For more information visit: or
The Coolidge Scholarship.  Full-ride for four years of undergraduate study.  ONLY JUNIORS CAN APPLY.    Expires:  January 26, 2022   Application
The Earnest Scholarship.  Deadline:  June 30, 2021.  Award:  $5,000.  Open to any student who will be soon enrolled or currently enrolled in an accredited university or college.  It is open to DACA students. 
The Officer Collin Rose Memorial Foundation Scholarship. $1,000 for students pursuing a major in Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice, Firefighting or Paramedic Services.  Renewal for an additional year.  Deadline:  April 1, 2019.   Application
The Recovery Village HealthCare Scholarship. $1000 for students pursuing a medical-related field.  Deadline:  June 30, 2019  Application
The 2021 Desire to Inspire Scholarship.  Deadline:  June 6, 2021.  Award:  up to $1,500.  Open to high school juniors and seniors who are historically underrepresented minority groups with an interest in pursuing a career in health care.
Tower PinkStar Scholarship:  Award ranges from $1,000-$2,000.  Apply at:  Deadline:  March 1, 2021.  Any questions, contact Ruth Bishop at [email protected].
Trotter Project.  Deadline:  May 5, 2021.  Award:  $10,000.  Open to students pursuing culinary arts, hospitality, and agricultural studies.
UNIGO Shout it Out Scholarship.  $1500.  Deadline: September 30, 2021  Application
USGIF Scholarships.  Deadline:  May 16, 2021.  Award:  $1,000.  Open to students interested in using capabilities of geospatial science, data and technologies to address human insecurity challenges.
Warrior's Legacy Scholarship.  Deadline:  Early Application is May 31, 2021.  Award:  $5,000.  Open to high school seniors and undergraduate students who are children of members of the military and law enforcement and first responders.
We The Students Essay Contest.  $20,000.  Includes an essay.  Deadline:  April 15, 2021 Application
Women's Civic League of St. Clair Shores. $750-2,000. Deadline:  March 27, 2020.  Apply at:
Young & Free Michigan Scholarship Competition (Michigan First Credit Union). Question for the competition will be posted Monday, May 3, 2021 at 9 a.m.  Deadline:  June 4, 2021.
Sailing Thru The Shores Student-Athlete Scholarship.  NOT BEING OFFERED IN 2021.
Friends of Polish Art Scholarships.  $2500 Each: