South Lake Elementary Scholarship Elmwood/Avalon/Koepsell. Deadline: April 26, 2024. Pick up Application form in Counseling Office or click link above.
Adcraft Scholarship Fund - Diversity in the D Scholarship. Deadline: April 30, 2021. Click on link and scroll down to middle of page. Award: College Junior Year: $5,000 plus mentorship. College Senior year: $5,000 plus mentorship. Ten week paid internship to be completed during junior or senior year. https://adcraft.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=627778&module_id=325925
AFSCME Scholarship (Local 2457)- $500. Deadline: April 24, 2023. Please see counselor for application or click on link above.
Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarships. Deadline: June 30, 2021. Award: Varies. Open to incoming freshmen and undergraduate students that have financial need and have demonstrated interest in pursuing an automotive career. https://www.automotivehalloffame.org/scholarships/
Cameron Impact Scholarship. Deadline: Early applications up to May 21, 2021. Final submissions: September 10, 2021. Award: up to $50,000. Open to high school student sin the graduating class of 2022 that are planning to enroll full-time in a college or university in the U.S. Applicants must demonstrate academic excellence (3.7 GPA), excel in a variety of extra-curricular activities, demonstration participation in community service areas, and be motivated leaders. https://www.bryancameroneducationfoundation.org/
CommunityChoice Foundation (15) graduating high school scholarships at $5,000 each; (6) continuing education scholarships at $2,500 each; and (4) skilled trade scholarships at $2,500 each. Deadline to apply: March 7, 2024. Visit: Communitychoicefoundation.org
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. Various scholarships. The registration deadline is February 12, 2025 at 5:00pm. Deadline for applications: March 3, 2025 at 5:00pm. https://cfsem.org/scholarships/
Courageous Persuaders. Various scholarships: $500-$2000. Create a 30-second commercial to warn middle school students about the dangers of drinking and driving or the dangers of distracted driving. Grades 9-12. Deadline to submit: March 10, 2023. (Winners announced in May 2023)
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Macomb Alumnae Chapter: Deadline: February 2, 2025. Seniors who are part of an underrepresented racial group or persons of color and also reside in, or attend school within the areas of: Clinton Twp, Eastpointe, Harrison Twp, Macomb, Macomb Twp, Mt. Clemens, Roseville, Shelby Twp, St. Clair Shores, Sterling Heights, Warren and Washington Twp. 2.5 GPA or above. Accepted full-time at community college, university, trade or vocational school for Fall 2025.
The Donovan Xavier Baker Scholarship: $2500. Deadline: April 30, 2024. Essay. Senior African-American males. Must be attending 2yr/4yr college or university or vocational/technical school.
Don Frederick Memorial Scholarship - download application above or come to counseling office for same - Deadline: April 26, 2024.
Don't Text and Drive Scholarship - September 30, 2021 (1 Award - $1,000)
Goodfellows St. Clair Shores Scholarship 2024. 2 $1500 scholarships for SLHS students. Due April 26, 2024 to counseling office. Must be resident of St. Clair Shores, 2.5+ GPA, Senior attending college/university/trade school in fall. Download application above or visit the counseling office for a copy.
East Macomb Chapter of the Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel Scholarship: (4) scholarships for $750 each.
Deadline: March 31, 2024. Applications available in the counseling office.
FreeStar Financial Credit Union Scholarships. $1000 each. Must be member of Credit Union and GPA 3.0. Deadline: February 28, 2021 Applications
Hagen Scholarship Foundation. $15,000 per year. Deadline: March 1, 2024. GPA: 3.5. Must be US citizen, must enroll at 4 year college/university, must work in college. Need-based merit scholarship.
Homer J. Van Hollenbeck Foundation- $3000. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher, student must attend a Macomb County high school, and demonstrate hardship/financial need. Applicants must also begin college full-time in the fall of 2024. Deadline: May 31, 2024. Please come to Counseling Office for application.
James Bush Memorial Scholarship 2025. $1,000. 2.0+ GPA, participated in at least one SLHS sport. Essay (600-800 words) regarding motorcycle awareness. Deadline: April 11, 2025 at 3:00pm to your counselor. Application available in counseling office as well as above, at top of page.
John Galt Scholarship. Deadline: June 30, 2021. Award: $10,000. Open to current students at accredited institutions for the current academic year that are enrolled full-time in a supply management or similar program with the intention of seeking a career in the supply chain field. https://johngalt.com/scholarship/
Josie Rewald Memorial Community College Scholarship - Female student or other underrepresented gender pursuing an engineering or technology degree at a university or college. Deadline: April 14, 2021 http://www.swedetroit.org/scholarships.html
Italian American Club of Livonia Charitable Foundation Scholarship (Class of 2024). Based on Italian Ancestry, Academics, Financial Need and Character. Deadline: October 31, 2023. Application available in the counseling office.
Macomb Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Deadline: March 1, 2024 www.macombdeltas.org
Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals (massp) (3) separate scholarships available at $2,500.00 each. Scholarship may ONLY be used towards tuition and room/board costs. Payment made directly to the student's account at the education institution they choose to attend in August. See counselor for application and details. Deadline: March 16, 2020
MEA (Michigan Education Association Scholarship): Value is TBD (but last year was $1500) Deadline: Must be received by February 17, 2022. Applicants are no longer required to mail their documents. Instead, they will need to send application documents in PDF format by email at [email protected]. Please click link for more eligibility requirements and the application: http://mea.org/mea-scholarship/
2024 Metro Bureau Scholarship Award. $1,500 (or $2000 if going into education). Students intending to enroll at: Oakland Community College, Oakland University, Wayne County Community College, or Wayne State University.
Deadline: March 13, 2024. https://www.metrobureau.org/
Metro Detroit Youth Day College Scholarships 2023 & Community Service Awards. $250-1000. Deadline: May 26, 2023. GPA 2.0+
Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) $3,500. Student or parent must be employed at a business that is a member of MRA. Apply online: www.Retailers.com Application deadline April 1, 2024.
Michigan Youth Appreciation Foundation Metro Detroit Youth Day. Deadline: March 16, 2020. See counselor for details.
NDIA Stem Scholarship 2022. Deadline: March 25, 2022. Award: up to $1500. Open to seniors planning a STEM major. 3.0 minimum GPA. https://stem.ndia-mich.org/
"NOBLE" The Detroit Region IV, Metropolitan Chapter of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives 2020 Scholarship. Cumulative GPA 2.75-3.4. Deadline: March 27, 2020. See counselor for details.
Ohio-Michigan Association of Career Colleges and Schools (OMACCS) 2025 LEADS! Scholarship Program: $500-8,000. Deadline: April 18, 2025. Application
Print and Graphic Scholarship. Deadline: May 1, 2021. Open to current full time high school seniors and high school graduates. Applicants must be pursuing a career in graphic communication, technology, or management at a technical school or college located within the U.S. Win up to $5,000. https://www.pgsf.org/
Robert Edward Lang Scholarship-$1000. Seniors pursuing a degree related to International Studies. Must have 2.5+ GPA and reside in Macomb, Oakland or Wayne County. Deadline: Not listed http://www.unadetroit.org/scholarship/
REALTOR Scholarship Fund: $1250. Deadline: March 14, 2025. Application
Robert A. Leonard Jr. Charitable Trust Scholarship. $2500-$10,000. 2.8 GPA or higher, 40hrs Community Service, Essay. Contact Kevin Binion with questions at 313-492-8046
Deadline: March 1, 2025 Application
SET SEG Skilled Trade Scholarship. $500. The SET SEG Foundation is awarding 20 scholarships to Michigan public high school seniors who are enrolled or plan to enroll in an accredited two-year college, technical school, or other accredited technical institute within the next 12 months. Click here for more information!
St. Clair Shores Community Chorus. Wednesday, April 21, 2021 6:30 p.m. Scholarship Auditions Night at Triumphant Cross Lutheran Church, 22360 13 Mile Road, SCS (corner of 13 Mile and Greater Mack). Scholarship applications: https://www.scscommunitychorus.org/scholarships
St. Clair Shores Waterfront Environmental Committee 23/24 Scholarship. $500. Applicant (class of 2024) must be involved in at least one of the committee's projects. Deadline: Monday, Jan 8th, 2024 (waiting for confirmation) by 4:00pm at the SCS's City Clerk's Office or mailed to: Waterfront Environmental Committee Scholarship
27600 Jefferson Circle Drive St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48081. Please come to the Counseling Office for application OR visit www.scswec.org
Stephen J. Brady STOP Hunger and a VARIETY of Scholarships- $5000. Commitment to volunteer service in your community. Applications at
Stephen Bufton Memorial Education Fund Scholarships. Deadline: May 15, 2021. Award: up to $10,000. Open to women meeting the requirements of various scholarships. https://sbmef.org/scholarship
Sterling Heights Area Community Foundation. Multiple scholarships, some of which are open to Macomb County residents, or to anyone, and some are specific to Sterling Heights residents: https://sterling-heights.net/748/Scholarships
Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest. Deadline: June 9, 2021. Award: up to $10,000. Open to residents of the U.S. that are at least 14 years of age. Applicants must create and wear to prom either a dress or a tuxedo made entirely out of Duck brand crafting tape and submit at least one photo of themselves wearing their creation. http://www.stuckatprom.com